Contact Us
PRODUCTS  by Energizing Enterprises2, LLC   
We take pride in the quality of our products. All of the products we offer can be delivered to you within 2-3 business days.
If you have any questions regarding our products or would like more information, please contact us:
Water-weighted fitness hoops that will burn 100 calories in 10 minutes!

Three standard sizes offered - 1.5 lb/$30 and 2 & 3 lb/$35. 

Discount for volume purchases.  

Youth sizes can be created and customized upon request.  

High quality and 100% customer satisfaction are our top priorities.
Aerobic conditioning, flexibility and strength training helps tremendously in generating an overall feeling of health. 

These services are provided through group or personal one-on-one sessions available to all ages from youth to senior citizens. 

Physical activity is an important component in becoming fit enough to gain and maintain a mobile lifestyle. 

This service is available through in-home training sessions and/or at your designated site.

Health and wellness presentations are offered that focus on the benefits of active living, healthy eating, healthy social engagement and chronic disease self-management. 

Energetic and engaging workshops are available to groups in corporations, schools, and organizations. 

Private individual sessions available upon request.
Fitness Consulting

Wellness Consulting